来源: 微博
“And it's official, folks! The Guangdong Southern Tigers have made a statement of intent with their latest signings. The former NBA players, Will Barton and Darius Bazley, are joining the team. The Southern Tigers are not holding back, folks. They have entered the big-money transfer market and have secured the services of the talented young prospect, Darius Bazley. Several CBA teams were vying for his signature during the off-season, but Guangdong's offer was simply too good to turn down.
This summer, Guangdong made a deal with Beijing, allowing Zhou Qi to join the Beijing Ducks. It's all part of the chessboard, folks, as teams maneuver and shuffle their pieces to strengthen their squads for the upcoming season.
Bazley, in his five-year NBA career, has played 244 games, averaging an impressive 8.9 points, 5.2 rebounds, and 1.2 assists per game. Now, he is bringing his talents to the CBA, and the Southern Tigers couldn't be happier.
The Guangdong Southern Tigers have always been a force to be reckoned with in Chinese basketball, but with these new signings, they are sending a message to the league - they mean business. Buckle up, folks, because the Southern Tigers are ready to roar once again!"
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